Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm A Little Stealer

Last ...

Last Cigarette: About 15 years ago

Last Alcoholic Drink: White Wine - December 30, 2005

Last Car Ride: Today, from the hairdresser

Last 'Romantic' Kiss: Today

Last Good Cry: Yesterday

Last Library Book: Benji

Last book bought:
Animal Farm - have never read it and heard so much about it so I bought it ... still haven't read it yet though.

Last Book Read:The DaVinci Code

Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Bad Boys II - pathetic ain't I?

Last Movie Rented: Who rents movies in this day and age of bootleg???

Last Cuss Word Uttered: Shit

Last Beverage Drank: Homestyle Fruit Punch

Last Food Consumed: Chicken nuggets from Island Grill

Last Crush: I haven't had a crush in such a long time. Last one would be ... ugh ... I don't know!!

Last Phone Call: 30 minutes ago from the BF

Last TV Show Watched: Monk - USA

Last Time Showered: 15 mins ago .... damn it's hot today!!

Last Shoes Worn: blue, white & yellow floral flip flops

Last CD Played: Madonna - Greatest Hits V1 (I still love her)

Last Item Bought: Elidel cream for my Excema

Last Download: Rihanna - Unfaithful

Last Annoyance: My father pulling up his shorts over his belly looking like Steve Urkel

Last Disappointment: My BF leaving my house. I hate it when he leaves :(

Last Soda Drank: Mountain Dew ... it was kinda flat. Think I left the bottle open in the fridge by mistake so all the fizz was gone.

Last Thing Written: My journal entry

Last Key Used: Front door key

Last Words Spoken: Ok, cool.

Last Sleep: last night

Last Ice Cream Eaten: Buckingham's MultiMania

Last Chair Sat In: The chair at my computer

Last Webpage Visited:

Now that was just fun. Thanks SIG!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

And It Continues ...

I got to thinking on Tuesday evening while standing in a line waiting to pay bills ... when will this end? The Jamaican people have failed to take a stand as a people and say enough is enough to the bull shit that happens here. Everywhere has bull shit I know. I speak to the bull I live in.

This rant comes from me standing in a line to pay utility bills for close to 1 hr.

Background: In Jamaica, there are payment agencies authorized to collect payment for bills - light, telephone, water, cell phone, cable etc. etc. etc. In April this year, one of the preferred companies levied a J$35 per transaction to pay bills. The 2nd preferred company instituted a similar levy of J$30 in July.

So, the arrangement for the companies for which the agency accepts payments is that for each payment they collect, the company (light, telephone, water, etc.) would pay a percentage based on volume of transactions done. Do we realize what this means? We are more than likely paying double for the service as the utility companies would have been sure to factor this amount into our billing amount.

The extortion continues, the slavery is being resurrected, the oppression is again becoming a reality.

I have now decided to pay all my bills online. I do this from time to time but I really have better things to do with my time than stand in a line to hand over money to these criminals who call themselves service providers and the government. Every bull shit that is implemented, we take it without a fight. There is no desire to unite as indiscipline will somehow creep in and daunt the work, toil and endeavour of those who really want to make a stand.

And it continues ...

Monday, July 17, 2006


If you shop at Sam's Club or Costco, this may be useful to know. I
have become a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. This happened
to me and it could happen to you.

Here's how the scam works:

Two seriously good-looking 19-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy t-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say "No" and instead ask you for a ride to another Sam's Club or Costco. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each
other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen last Tuesday, Wednesday, twice on Thursday, again on Saturday, and also yesterday and most likely today and tomorrow.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Belle Has "Tolled"

Today is the official opening of the Portmore leg of Highway 2000 signifying the beginning of one of the worst kinds of oppression and extortion brought to the Jamaican people by the Government - yet again with the imposition of a toll charge of J$60 one way for cars, J$100 for SUVs and $230 for all other vehicles.

For those who may not know, the government, in its road expansion exercise has taken away the main route for Portmore residents, one of the the largest residential community in Jamaica, and created a toll road, hence forcing the residents to pay to enter and exit the community in which they live. In their minds, the alternate route, the Mandela Highway is a suitable alternative, despite the repair and expansion which would need to be made on this road to make it a "suitable alternative". The Mandela is traversed by persons coming from Spanish Town and some Portmore residents resulting in a major traffic job during peak hours. So, in order for persons to reach to work early or on time, it requires leaving home about 6 a.m. or before to achieve this.

Although the government has sought to appease the residents by offering frequent travel discounts with the use of the Toll Tag, it is still an atrocity tantamount to almost slavery by asking persons to fork out anywhere from J$30,000 upwards per year to use the toll. With Memorandum of Understandings with wage freezes, public sector workers taking industrial action because of a wage dispute, how do they expect poor people to survive? It is absolute cruelty and equates to extortion perpetrated by the dons in our society.

When will the Jamaican people realize that we must take a stand? For years, we have just taken what is dished out to us with no retaliation. The Portmore residents (of which I am a part) have proposed a boycott of the toll road for the next 2 months and will be having a vigil service this evening. Although it may not achieve the desired result of a lower toll charge, they should be applauded for the stance they have taken from the beginning until now.

So many ills in our society right now and I wonder if it will ever get better. There is no faith in the government, in the security system, in the justice system (although this has improved somewhat), in the church (don't get me started on the Deacon story), the education system. Where is the hope? We have to find it back somehow. Someway. Somewhere.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

If You Have A Dream - For SIG

I don't believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens at the appropriate time and for a reason. I got the below email today and immediately remembered Small Island Girl, who also had a post yesterday entitled Dreams! So, SIG, this one is for you! Enjoy.
If You Have A Dream

Don't wait for some distant day to come,
it may be too late before you've even begun.
Not everyone will agree with all you decide.

Be true to yourself first and foremost.
The only important thing in life is what
you do with the time you spend here on earth.

Don't cloud today with things that can't
be undone. You have no more control over
yesterday or tomorrow, than you do the raging
of your passions.

Do not quiet these dreams
nor quench your desires. For if you do,
your journey is ended.

You have only today to begin anew and
follow your dreams. For in the end all
we have are our memories.

When the twilight comes to us, let there
be, no excuses, no explanations,
no regrets!

[Author unknown]

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Oh Well ...

So much for my hopes of England going to the World Cup 2006 finals. Their hopes were shattered today after losing 3-1 penalties to Portugal. Deep down I didn't feel like they would make it but I was still holding on.

On another note, the summer is getting hotter and hotter by the day. I can't belive how hot it is, even at nights when it used to get even a little bit cool. I have to be sleeping in the nude to maintain my sanity at night. I'm also hoping that we do not get a hurricane this year despite the predictions of a very active season.

Anyway, just my usual quick shout out. C ya.