Sunday, August 06, 2006

It's A Small World

The world keeps getting smaller every day. Something I find quite amazing happened. About a year in my job, I came across a customer with the same last name as my blog twin Peter - Life's A Trip. I happened to mention this in a comment on his blog, apparently I put the person's name in the comment. I don't even know if Peter remembers this. I searched for the comment all day yesterday till I got tired but didn't find it.

Yesterday I checked my email and saw a message from a similar last name person ... lo and behold, I open the email, and it is the very customer I had interacted with for no more than about 3 - 5 minutes, saying he saw the comment on the blog and just wanted me to know!!!

Now, what are the odds of this? How much smaller can the world get? I guess with the internet and all, it will continue to get smaller and smaller.

This was really amazing.


p.p. said...

A small world after all. Isn't there a song titled that? Or, something? ;)

CoolDestiny said...

Yes there is such a song.

Unknown said...

It is a small world after all, fi real!

Campfyah said...

what a coincident...hope you didn't write anything negative. With Blogs these days, you got to be careful what you write.

CoolDestiny said...

campfyah, I just mentioned that I came across someone with the same last name. Nothing negative at all.

Abeni said...

Small and getting smaller