Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's Official

As of Friday, September 1, I will be posting on my new blog,


It's time for a change and I'm going to see how long I can tolerate wordpress.

So, it's ta ta to blogger for now ... but who knows ........ I might be back!!!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Well ... Whadda Ya Know???

Well, I see a few people have been posting comments over on Wordpress. I changed the template and think it looks so much better. Check It Out!

I really don't want to move from blogger. Blogger has been so good to me. But I'm not averse to change and I like the new look I get on Wordpress. So, guess what? I want to hear the thoughts of the people. Get the input of the masses.

Should CoolDestiny switch to WordPress

Hell Yeah!
Sure, if it floats your boat
Doesn't matter - I'll still read your blog. You're Awesome!
Hell No - Wordpress sucks!

View Results

Make your own poll

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Well, I've been influenced, a hell of a feat to achieve. But with all being said about wordpress, with all the moves to that host, I just had to check it out for myself. It seems nice. I haven't really started to play around with it just yet, but I managed to set up my blog, transfer all posts from blogger, update all links, choose a template all in 22 minutes flat last night. Am I good or what??? And got 1 hit already.

Now, with the help of the techie among us (MB, Mad Bull, MB ... ), I want to do some modifications to the page. For 1, everything is to the left too much, with a big empty space on the right which I'd like to change. The other thing is how do I get the cool stuff, the about me, home, calender, etc.? I might have missed it but .... I still need help.

So, check out http://cooldestiny.wordpress.com and tell me what you think.

Later dudes & dudettes.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Becky, Where Art Thou?

I have been getting "Blogger not Found" when I try to check out Becky Banton. Anybody knows what's up with that????

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Travel Disaster Pt. 2

So we get up the next morning, have breakfast, check out, wait for our bus and then travel to the airport. We get there to see an extremely long line for the Air J counter. We wait patiently in line and after 1.5 hrs, we are finally checked in. During the process, we learnt that we would be stopping in Montego Bay but gladly, we didn't have to collect luggage to board the flight to Kingston. We proceed to the departure lounge where we do the dreaded WAITING again. Of course, the flight leaving Antigua was delayed for about 2 hrs, and we had to stop in St. Lucia before heading for Montego Bay. Talk about delays!!!!

So, we board the flight and eventually leave. I started to feel a sense of relief now that the journey has begun to continue and being the ever-optimistic CD, I convince myself that everything is going to go well, no more delays and Iwill finally get home to my family and my man.

We land in St. Lucia. Some passengers including the Jamaica Junior Netball Team boarded the plane in St. Lucia. I watch with anticipation the luggage being wheeled to the aircraft to be loaded, not paying attention to the netballers who had apparently won some competition. I couldn't care less about that. My focus was on all the steps to getting home. After they loaded the luggage, the plane door closes, and we start to taxi down the runway at the usual 10 mph.

Alas!!! Oh No!!! The plane stops ................ for about 10 minutes on the runway. I'm like WTF?????? Before I could finish my thought, the plan starts to reverse back to the gate!!! Why? Why? Why? What forces of evil have laid its ugly hand on my travel plans? Is it me? Is the guy sitting beside me with a glass looking eye? Is it the obnoxious lawyer who in all his rants did not once mention the word sue??? I just couldnt' understand it. The pilot comes on the radio:

"Ladies & gentlemen, we do apologize for this delay in leaving the St. Lucia airport (I didn't even take time to memorize the name of the airport). It seems as if some luggage was not loaded unto the plane and we have to turn back for them. Again, we do apologize and should be on our way in the next 10-15 minutes".


20 minutes later, we are taxing down the runway (again). This time, we actually take off and head for Sangster International Airport. I was so eager to get home, I did not even sleep on any of these flights. You cna imagine my joy when I look through the window and start to see familiar land ... Jamaica ... Home ... I could hardly wait to land. When we land, it was about 5:45 p.m. Saturday. We were supposed to change aircrafts and join some passengers coming from Atlanta and heading for Kingston. We go through the chaotic excuse for a hub at Montego Bay SIA only to learn that our flight previously scheduled to depart at 6:35 is now scheduled to leave at 8:30. Oh Lord, where does it end? So, I laze around, eat, play solitaire and freecell on my laptop just killing time. And it ticks so slowly I wondered if time stopped a few times.
Then, the announcement.

"Flight JM032 scheduled to depart at 8:30 p.m. to NMI in Kingston has been further delayed and is now scheduled to leave at 10:35 p.m.".

What have I done? Why is this happening?????

10:35 ... flight delayed again till 12:30 a.m. - SUNDAY!!!. We are all now so impatient, frustrated, tired, dirty (at least they gave us dinner) started to enquire if there were any other flights apart from the one we were booked on that was going to Kingston. Oh boy ...... yes, a flight should be leaving at 1:05 a.m. We all changed our flights, after enquiring about our luggage and was told confidently that our luggage would arrive with us at the airport.

Peeps, after all this, we finally boarded a flight, we know not where it was coming from and didn't care because it was going to Kingston, where we wanted to go. The flight left at 1:28 a.m. We arrived in Kingston at 2:08 a.m. My father came to pick me up and I was home at 2:27 a..m. Sunday morning.

My boyfriend left his house and came to mine after I arrived. I was so happy to finally be home.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Travel Disaster Dec. '04 Pt. 1

It all begain on that fateful Friday morning, I rose at 4:30 a.m. to get ready to reach to the Airport at 5:15 in order to leave on my 6:30 flight from the BVI to Antigua on Liat where I would then take a BWee flight to Kingston Jamaica. I had heard horror stories about liat but the flight arrived and left on time so I thought a great start to my trip home. I had been away for 6 weeks and could not wait to get back home.

Ok, so arrive in Antigua at about 8 something I believe it was. Our connecting flight was supposed to leave at shortly after 9 to arrive in Kingston at 12:45 p.m. So, we waited. First announcement is that the flight was delayed. Another announcement - same thing. Another announcement - flight still delayed. At 4 p.m. we were all still sitting in the airport as since about 2 or so, we heard no announcement for our flight. A group of us all heading for Jamaica were sitting together, some reading, some working on laptops, some playing cards to pass the time. Then we heard some women pass us saying that the flight was .......................... CANCELLED!!!! ......................... We were all in shock because no such announcement was made. So, we proceeded to the counter to enquire what was happening. We enquired and were asked "to proceed to the BWee desk at another section of the airport". We were pissed and quite peeved. Thankfully we were provided with a meal as I know it would have gotten really ugly if we were hungry.

When we arrive at the Bwee desk, other irate passengers were already there cussing some claaat and other choice words to the representative citing how disrespectful, irresponsible and disgusting they were. To add insult to injury, they told us that we needed to come around the back and find our luggage ourselves. Of course, this led to further cussing and argument between the passengers and the bwee employees.

After finally receiving all our luggage, we were then carted off in a bus to an ok hotel which would be our home for the night in Antigua and that we would be placed on an Air Jamaica flight leaving the next day. I remember there was a woman with a very young baby with her and she was adamant that she could not wait tomorrow to leave so other arrangements were made for her. The situation was that Bwee does not leave from Antigua on a Saturday, it goes thru St. Maarten hence us being placed on an Air J flight. I think the lady with the baby was flown back to St. Maarten to await the arrival of the Bwee flight from Trinidad.

So, we got our belly fulls and rested our weary heads at the Jolly Beach Resort for the night, preparing for the next day's events and more dramas which were to unfold.

To be continued.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

It's A Small World

The world keeps getting smaller every day. Something I find quite amazing happened. About a year in my job, I came across a customer with the same last name as my blog twin Peter - Life's A Trip. I happened to mention this in a comment on his blog, apparently I put the person's name in the comment. I don't even know if Peter remembers this. I searched for the comment all day yesterday till I got tired but didn't find it.

Yesterday I checked my email and saw a message from a similar last name person ... lo and behold, I open the email, and it is the very customer I had interacted with for no more than about 3 - 5 minutes, saying he saw the comment on the blog and just wanted me to know!!!

Now, what are the odds of this? How much smaller can the world get? I guess with the internet and all, it will continue to get smaller and smaller.

This was really amazing.

Friday, August 04, 2006


Nothing much to post today so here's a chauvinistic pic to get the ladies angry and make the men laugh or get vex. Enjoy the weekend everyone. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm A Little Stealer

Last ...

Last Cigarette: About 15 years ago

Last Alcoholic Drink: White Wine - December 30, 2005

Last Car Ride: Today, from the hairdresser

Last 'Romantic' Kiss: Today

Last Good Cry: Yesterday

Last Library Book: Benji

Last book bought:
Animal Farm - have never read it and heard so much about it so I bought it ... still haven't read it yet though.

Last Book Read:The DaVinci Code

Last Movie Seen in Theatres: Bad Boys II - pathetic ain't I?

Last Movie Rented: Who rents movies in this day and age of bootleg???

Last Cuss Word Uttered: Shit

Last Beverage Drank: Homestyle Fruit Punch

Last Food Consumed: Chicken nuggets from Island Grill

Last Crush: I haven't had a crush in such a long time. Last one would be ... ugh ... I don't know!!

Last Phone Call: 30 minutes ago from the BF

Last TV Show Watched: Monk - USA

Last Time Showered: 15 mins ago .... damn it's hot today!!

Last Shoes Worn: blue, white & yellow floral flip flops

Last CD Played: Madonna - Greatest Hits V1 (I still love her)

Last Item Bought: Elidel cream for my Excema

Last Download: Rihanna - Unfaithful

Last Annoyance: My father pulling up his shorts over his belly looking like Steve Urkel

Last Disappointment: My BF leaving my house. I hate it when he leaves :(

Last Soda Drank: Mountain Dew ... it was kinda flat. Think I left the bottle open in the fridge by mistake so all the fizz was gone.

Last Thing Written: My journal entry

Last Key Used: Front door key

Last Words Spoken: Ok, cool.

Last Sleep: last night

Last Ice Cream Eaten: Buckingham's MultiMania

Last Chair Sat In: The chair at my computer

Last Webpage Visited: http://smallislandgirl.blogspot.com

Now that was just fun. Thanks SIG!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

And It Continues ...

I got to thinking on Tuesday evening while standing in a line waiting to pay bills ... when will this end? The Jamaican people have failed to take a stand as a people and say enough is enough to the bull shit that happens here. Everywhere has bull shit I know. I speak to the bull I live in.

This rant comes from me standing in a line to pay utility bills for close to 1 hr.

Background: In Jamaica, there are payment agencies authorized to collect payment for bills - light, telephone, water, cell phone, cable etc. etc. etc. In April this year, one of the preferred companies levied a J$35 per transaction to pay bills. The 2nd preferred company instituted a similar levy of J$30 in July.

So, the arrangement for the companies for which the agency accepts payments is that for each payment they collect, the company (light, telephone, water, etc.) would pay a percentage based on volume of transactions done. Do we realize what this means? We are more than likely paying double for the service as the utility companies would have been sure to factor this amount into our billing amount.

The extortion continues, the slavery is being resurrected, the oppression is again becoming a reality.

I have now decided to pay all my bills online. I do this from time to time but I really have better things to do with my time than stand in a line to hand over money to these criminals who call themselves service providers and the government. Every bull shit that is implemented, we take it without a fight. There is no desire to unite as indiscipline will somehow creep in and daunt the work, toil and endeavour of those who really want to make a stand.

And it continues ...

Monday, July 17, 2006


If you shop at Sam's Club or Costco, this may be useful to know. I
have become a victim of a clever scam while out shopping. This happened
to me and it could happen to you.

Here's how the scam works:

Two seriously good-looking 19-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the trunk. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy t-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say "No" and instead ask you for a ride to another Sam's Club or Costco. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each
other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet. I had my wallet stolen last Tuesday, Wednesday, twice on Thursday, again on Saturday, and also yesterday and most likely today and tomorrow.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Belle Has "Tolled"

Today is the official opening of the Portmore leg of Highway 2000 signifying the beginning of one of the worst kinds of oppression and extortion brought to the Jamaican people by the Government - yet again with the imposition of a toll charge of J$60 one way for cars, J$100 for SUVs and $230 for all other vehicles.

For those who may not know, the government, in its road expansion exercise has taken away the main route for Portmore residents, one of the the largest residential community in Jamaica, and created a toll road, hence forcing the residents to pay to enter and exit the community in which they live. In their minds, the alternate route, the Mandela Highway is a suitable alternative, despite the repair and expansion which would need to be made on this road to make it a "suitable alternative". The Mandela is traversed by persons coming from Spanish Town and some Portmore residents resulting in a major traffic job during peak hours. So, in order for persons to reach to work early or on time, it requires leaving home about 6 a.m. or before to achieve this.

Although the government has sought to appease the residents by offering frequent travel discounts with the use of the Toll Tag, it is still an atrocity tantamount to almost slavery by asking persons to fork out anywhere from J$30,000 upwards per year to use the toll. With Memorandum of Understandings with wage freezes, public sector workers taking industrial action because of a wage dispute, how do they expect poor people to survive? It is absolute cruelty and equates to extortion perpetrated by the dons in our society.

When will the Jamaican people realize that we must take a stand? For years, we have just taken what is dished out to us with no retaliation. The Portmore residents (of which I am a part) have proposed a boycott of the toll road for the next 2 months and will be having a vigil service this evening. Although it may not achieve the desired result of a lower toll charge, they should be applauded for the stance they have taken from the beginning until now.

So many ills in our society right now and I wonder if it will ever get better. There is no faith in the government, in the security system, in the justice system (although this has improved somewhat), in the church (don't get me started on the Deacon story), the education system. Where is the hope? We have to find it back somehow. Someway. Somewhere.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

If You Have A Dream - For SIG

I don't believe in coincidences. I believe everything happens at the appropriate time and for a reason. I got the below email today and immediately remembered Small Island Girl, who also had a post yesterday entitled Dreams! So, SIG, this one is for you! Enjoy.
If You Have A Dream

Don't wait for some distant day to come,
it may be too late before you've even begun.
Not everyone will agree with all you decide.

Be true to yourself first and foremost.
The only important thing in life is what
you do with the time you spend here on earth.

Don't cloud today with things that can't
be undone. You have no more control over
yesterday or tomorrow, than you do the raging
of your passions.

Do not quiet these dreams
nor quench your desires. For if you do,
your journey is ended.

You have only today to begin anew and
follow your dreams. For in the end all
we have are our memories.

When the twilight comes to us, let there
be, no excuses, no explanations,
no regrets!

[Author unknown]

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Oh Well ...

So much for my hopes of England going to the World Cup 2006 finals. Their hopes were shattered today after losing 3-1 penalties to Portugal. Deep down I didn't feel like they would make it but I was still holding on.

On another note, the summer is getting hotter and hotter by the day. I can't belive how hot it is, even at nights when it used to get even a little bit cool. I have to be sleeping in the nude to maintain my sanity at night. I'm also hoping that we do not get a hurricane this year despite the predictions of a very active season.

Anyway, just my usual quick shout out. C ya.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

554 Seconds ...

... to the England vs Ecuador match...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sex and the Church

Fame FM's Uncensored had an interesting topic for their Monday night edition of the program. I did not get a chance to listen to it but captured some highlights from a broadcast the following morning. The topic was Sex and the Church, a debate which sought to establish how "carnal" christians were when it came to sex.

The discussion, from what I gathered was quite an interesting one, with christians and pastors sharing their views on the subject. The findings were as follows:

1. A high percentage of christians are just as carnal as heathens, engaging in sexualy intercourse before marriage;
2. The church places a greater emphasis on sexual sins, while preaching that all sins are equal;
3. The church sometimes influence early marriage in young adults, to escape the sin of fornication;
4. When someone is guilty of fornication, they are "read out" of the church, "back-benched" and become the recipient of "throw-word sermons" metted out by the pastor;
5. There are still christians who believe that sex before marriage is wrong

As someone who grew up in the church, I have personally witnessed all of the above.

My view, the church should not judge a person by their actions and seek to play God. A person who has committed fornication (or any other sin for that matter) should not be shunned and condemned by the church but rather should be embraced and counselled in an attempt to help to bring that person closer to God. In searching for information on the topic, came across another blog with the same title as mine. Read it Here.

Each person should be allowed to have their personal relationship with God as we are accountable only to him for our actions. The church has shirked on its responsibility on many an occasion, passing judgement instead of offering the necessary support. I pray that these things will get better.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Dutty Wine

Jamaicans are known worldwide for the creation of various dance moves for almost every song that is hot on the charts. From the ska to the della move, to the world dance, to the batty rider, to the gangster rock, to the pon di river, pon di bank and now ... the latest dance craze appropriately named, THE DUTTY WINE. As you can see, it takes some amount of skill to do this dance.

One of the cable channels, Juice TV, had a Dutty Wine contest and I was amazed at the extent to which some of these women dutty wined for a T-Shirt, phone credit and a gift basket. It was reported that one woman actually broke her neck doing this dance. The more explicit versions see women going down almost flat on their stomachs with ass (and more) in the air executing the moves with such energy and enthusiasm, that you would think their life depended on it.

I find the dance quite interesting myself and would love to try doing it one day. I really like my neck though :)

More time.

Friday, June 16, 2006

World Cup Fever

Well, the world cup has been extremely interesting thus far to say the very least. A few upsets, a few surprises and a few yawns too :)

I must say big up to T & T's Soca Warriors who have played some very very good football. The other newcomer to the world cup, Ivory Coast have also shown good skill in playing the game. I'm an England fan myself but had to ditch that yesterday when they played T & T. Everyone in my office was quite annoyed at me because although I was cheering for T & T, I was all excited when England scored. All in all, I'm enjoying it so far.

What about you guys? Have you been taking in every single match? Who are your teams? Who is your favourite to win?? Talk to me people!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

What a Week

Well this week on the great rock of Jamaica has been a very interesting one newswise. From motor vehicle accidents to political spats/cat fights, to controversy surrounding the re-instatement to regular police duties for Senior Superintendent Renato Adams, all featured in the Gleaner this week.

Adams' story is the one of great interest to me. Everyone is playing the blame game as to why Adams is still at Desk 13 when there is so much that needs to be done with criminal elements on the street. The police commissioner says he's waiting on the Police Services Commission; the PSC says it's waiting on the Commissioner. Typical. No one wants to take responsibility. No one wants to be viewed as "the bad guy". Adams' style of policing has been frowned upon by the local so-called human rights activists who only make such cries when it suits them. So, the commissioner is under pressure to satisfy these interest groups, his superiors, independent observers such as Amnesty International and the public. Rather than say "No, he will not be placed back on the street" or "Yes, he will resume full duties", everyone is dancing around the issue as if they are doing the tango. When will this type of bureacracy end???

This type of behaviour is demonstrated in so many facets of life that it just drives me crazy. I say to end with this crap! Take responsibility. Be a man/woman. Make a decision. Take a position and stick by it no matter what.

Peace out.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

World Cup Commandments


Dear Wife, Partner, Girlfriend,

1. From 9 June to 9 July 2006, you should read the sports section
of the newspaper so that you are aware of what is going on
regarding the World Cup, and that way you will be able to join in
the conversations.

2. During that period, DO NOT complain about not receiving any attention.

3. During the World Cup, the television is mine, at all times,
without any exceptions. You will NOT touch the remote

4. If you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, I
don't mind, as long as you do it crawling on the floor and without
distracting me. If you decide to stand nude in front of the TV,
make sure you put clothes on right after because if you catch a
cold, I wont have time to take you to the doctor or look after you
during the World Cup month.

5. During the games I will be blind, deaf and mute, unless I
require a refill of my drink or something to eat. You are out of
your mind if you expect me to listen to you, open the door, answer
the telephone, or pick up the baby that just fell on the
floor....It won't happen.

6. It would be a good idea for you to keep at least 2 six packs
in the fridge at all times, as well as plenty of things to nibble
on, and please do not make any funny faces to my friends when they
come over to watch the games. In return, you will be allowed to use
the TV between midnight and 6am, unless they replay a good game
that I missed during the day.

7. Please, please, please!! If you see me upset because one of my
teams is losing, DO NOT say "get over it, its only a game", or
"don't worry, they'll win next time". If you say these things, you
will only make me angrier and I will love you less. Remember, you
will never ever know more about football than me and your so called
"words of encouragement" will only lead to a break up or divorce.

8. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can
talk to me during halftime but only when the commercials are on,
and only if the halftime score is pleasing me. In addition, please
note I am saying "one" game; hence do not use the World Cup as a
nice cheesy excuse to "spend time together".

9. The replays of the goals are very important. I don't care if I
have seen them or I haven't seen them, I want to see them again. Many times.

10. Tell your friends NOT to have any babies, or any other child
related parties or gatherings that requires my attendance because:
a) I will not go,
b) I will not go, and
c) I will not go.

11. The daily World Cup highlights show on TV every night is just
as important as the games themselves. Do not even think about
saying "but you have already seen this...why don't you change the
channel to something we can all watch?" because, the reply will be,
"Refer to Rule #3 of this list".

12. And finally, please save your expressions such as "Thank God
the World Cup is only every 4 years". I am immune to these words,
because after this comes the Champions League, Italian League,
Spanish League, Portugese League, Dutch League, Premier League, FA Cup, etc.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Friday, May 19, 2006

I Need Your Help

Hey Gang,

This one is for all the internet savvy bloggers who stop by here, particularly Cari-blogrs.

Do you know the below website? I need to know if it is a popular website and if it is worth advertising on. If not, are there any recommendations of Jamaican/Caribbean websites worth pursuing?


I'm counting on you!! Thanks!!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


I had a relaxing, peaceful, wonderful birthday. Didn't do much except get a massage but I enjoyed just being away from home, with the change of scenery and being away with my bf was great!

As usual, this is just a quick hail to let you know I'm still around. I've left a few comments here and there as well.

Take care blog dudes & dudettes.

Friday, May 12, 2006

It's My ...............

I am thoroughly looking forward to my Birthday this Sunday. Unlike my friends who are the same age as me and are in despair at getting older, I look forward to my birthday every year. It's been a long time since I've done anything on my birthday so my honey and I will be going to Montego Bay for the weekend. I'm very much looking forward to it. I actually got a surprise at work today by getting a beautiful bouquet from my new manager who is based in Barbados! I didn't tell her it was my birthday but she found out somehow and has given my b-day a great start.

So, say prayers and make wishes that I'll have a wonderful weekend!!

And ... Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers who read my blog!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

When to Let Go

These last few months I've played the role of counsellor to both men and women in failing relationships. It is amazing to hear some of the stories told of relationships gone bad whether because of infidelity, a person changing after moving in together or getting married or a person's change in life direction.

In each of the scenarios I've encountered the aggrieved partner was in pain, complete turmoil, despair and in some cases extreme depression because they just "don't know what to do anymore". Now, I know that seeing someone in a situation and being in the situation yourself will put 2 different spins on it. One of my rules about giving advice especially when it comes to relationships is to tell the person that I'm merely making suggestions about what I think is best. The decision is entirely up to them as to what they want to do. I don't want to be held responsible for anything because these days you can't be too sure about anyone. The dumpee may hear that the dumper had talked to you about it and next think you know, you're dodging bullets on the street or trying to outrun cars chasing you (ok ... that's a bit extreme but I'm sure you get my point).

My question is, why is it so hard to let go of the things that are so toxic in our life that it literally makes us sick?

One of these persons in particular, a female, had more than enough reason to leave. Reasons for staying: have been together 18 years, have 2 children together, have investments together (just bought a house together, although all the reasons to leave were known to her prior to making the decision to buy a house together). She believes there is no relationship anymore, has proof of infidelity and abuse, yet continues to say she prays and asks God to show her what she must do .... HELLO??? Don't you think even one of these is reason enough to get the hell out?? I told her as much and eventually had to tell her that I was not going to talk about the situation anymore. I'm very blunt like that and anyone who knows me well will tell you that. I say it as it is, I don't beat around the bush and I can be harsh if I have to. This is one trait that my friends admire about me.

Another person, a male is completely unhappy in his marriage as the wife has "changed" and it appears she only got married to have children. She has done some awful things too and it has the potential to get very ugly but he just can't seem to leave. He's not dependent on her in any way, he says he doesn't love her anymore, they don't sleep in the same bed together anymore. I've suggested counselling for them both but that hasn't materialized yet.

Why is so hard to let go? Is the complacency of the situation warrant a person's unhappiness? I believe that nothing is more important than happiness, contentment and peace of mind. I hope that I will never be in a situation where I'm afraid to let go.

Monday, May 01, 2006


Well, it's been quite a while since I've said anything here and thought I needed to make an appearance before I lose all my readers and the wonderful bonds I've formed with the blogosphere.

There have been so many occurences in life that I really should have said something about - for example, the killing of Ambassador Peter King and the controversy which surrounds his death, the plea for the police to "Leggo Di Tape" by various individuals including enterdainers... we knew this one would not elude them, the debate about Sis P's decision to include religious personsin her administration, the fact that toll rates for Spanish Town and Vineyards East went up today among many others that I can't even remember right now.

Not to mention all the exciting things that have been happening in my personal life which I'll share at the appropriate time ... not right now ... want to keep you guys hanging on.

So, once again, a quick shout out using steal-away time at work to say hi and how you're doing and hope all is well with you too. I've been reading your blogs every chance I get which is not many but I definitely haven't forgotten you and am still trying to stay in touch in even the smallest possible way.

Take care everyone.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Blogs Forever

I haven't been posting as frequently but I try to check all my favourite blogs at least once a week these days to catch up. There has been a lot of talk from bloggers about not posting as often. The sentiment expressed by some is that the enthusiasm that was once there is no longer. Dr D. posted yesterday that the Caribloggrs crew is not posting as often as they used to. For me, I absolutely love blogging and blogs. Sometimes there comes a time when you have to take a break from some things to focus on others that may be a priority at the moment and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Well, in the midst of all this infrequent blogging, one of my dearest friends, the one who actually introduced me to the whole concept of blogging has made a comeback and put a huge smile on my face when I checked her blog just now. Regular Girl, welcome back!! You made my night!!

The bible says there's a time and season for everything. And soon, we won't be able to stay from our blog for too long. Blogs rule forever!!

More time everyone.

I just found a post I started in my drafts ... I'm going to make an effort to finish it this weekend ... ok, that's pushing it ... next weekend!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Still Around

Hi Everyone,

Just letting you know that I'm still around but have not had much time to blog about anything real right now. I've been trying to read you all as much as possible so don't think I've deserted you .

Don't worry ... I'll Be BaCk!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Something to Smile About

This morning when I was leaving for work, my bf used the remote start for my car to start it from upstairs. What he didn't see was that my 70+ side neighbour and my 60+ front neighbour were standing almost in front of the car. The below is the conversation that ensued as a result:

70+: Wait .... is what happen a while ago?
60+: Mi nuh know
70+: Di Car start!
60+: But how dat? Nobody not in there ...

70+ moves closer to the car, slowly and cautiously looking to see who is in it ... she doesn't see anybody.

70+: Mi nuh see anybody in it fi true

Both ladies had a puzzled look on their face.

Of course, my bf and I are approaching them and the car, trying oh so hard to hide the smile/laugh that was on our face. It was very difficult to keep a straight face when they said:

"Is you start di car?". I said yes and they chuckled saying they were wondering what was happening and looking to see who was inside.

We had a good laugh.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Rasta Job Application

Here's an oldie but goodie that just popped into my Inbox at work and just had to share. Hope you are all good! Have a great week!!

Rasta Job Application

Name - Bobo Dread Amaka Baka Fari
Age - I man noh count birtday
Date of Birth - Mi sey Rasta noh deal wid dem tings deh man
Address - Uppa di Hills a Wesmorlan
Tel. No. - I man Doan participate ina di Bablyon system
Marital Status & No. of Children - I an I hav nuff comman law wif an 21 likkle soljas a run bout roun di island
Occupation: Sell Jelly coknat pan Spanish Town Rd. and weed outta mi Kitchen winda
Company Name - I man noh kip company yuh noh seeit
Present Position - Mi like di Lizzad lap positian .. but mi open to any adda position, yuh noh seet


Average Monthly Income - Depends pan di season and di demans fi di weed .. some time bizniss slow an ting
Credit Reference - More Fyah! I man noh deal wid credit .. strickly up front dallas a do it
Unsecured Overdraft Limit - Chat English .. a wha di Bloodclaat dat?
Secured Overdraft Limit - Mi sey yuh fi chat English!!
Personal Loan Amount - Tony owe mi bout 40 gran .. a gwine buss im bloodKlaat when a buck im up
Monthly Payment - Ask Tony cause a monts now mi noh si nat a cent fram im
No. of Monthly Payment Outstanding - Yuh def? Mi seh Tony noh gi mi back mi money so all a it outstanding
Mortgage Loan Amount - Mi noh pay margage fi mi zinc shed .. is I man build dat
Monthly Payment- Yuh com back a ask di same foolishness?
No. of Monthly Payment Outstanding - Is wha do dis ooman dowe eeh? MI SEY TONY NOH PAY MI YET!!

This is interview is over .. Application for Loan Denied

GOH WEH!!! unu hypocrite an Sadomite unu!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tagged by Becky

Becky Banton tagged me from about 2/2/06. In my state of trying to remain calm at work, I've decided to do this meme!!

Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so.

1) ScienceWoman
2) Professor Me
3) Mon
4) BeckyBanton
5) CoolDestiny

Next select five people to tag:
1) Lady Serendipity
2) Baby Blue Lee
3) Miss Margo
4) Bajan Queen
5) Abeni

What were you doing 10 years ago?
In my 2nd Year at University doing my diploma

What were you doing 1 year ago?
On this exact day last year, I was basking in the moment of having received roses for Valentine's Day from the BF

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies
2. Planters Cashew Halves
3. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
4. Bubbilicious Gum
5. Granola Bars

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:
1. Take A Bow - Madonna
2. We Belong Together - Mariah Carey
3. We Be Burnin' - Sean Paul
4. Infiltrate - Sean Paul (Baby Blue Lee should remember this one)
5. Hard & Stiff - Shabba Ranks (Lady Serendipity ... sweet memories right??)

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:
Ok, being a millionaire in Jamaica does not offer much options so ...
1. Pay off my car loan (J$300,000)
2. Help my BF a new car
3. If any is left, some clothes.
4. Sorry, my million dollars is done!
5. Done! Done!

Five bad habits:
1. Over-analyzing a situation
2. Asking too many questions
3. Falling asleep with my TV on
4. Not hanging up/putting away my clothes when I do my laundry
5. Letting work related issues get to me

Five things you like doing:
1. Having Sex
2. Reading Blogs
3. Cooking & Baking
4. Watching TV (Sitcoms)
5. Making people smile/laugh

Five things you would never wear again:
1. Baggy MC Hammer pants
2. Spandex tights
3. Tie Die anything (at least, not in public anyway)
4. Clogs
5. Shocking Colour Nail Polish

Five favorite toys:
1. Hehehe ... naughty naughty naughty stuff, not bought, but in the flesh!
2. PC
3. Cell Phone
4. My Car
5. My hair brush

Catch You!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Of Gun Shots & Grammys

It's been a while since I've been here with a post. I've been very busy and have a lot going on right now. But, I'm still around and checking your blogs when I get a chance at work or otherwise.

So, as you know, there was again an eruption of violence in the old capital, Spanish Town as a result of the killing of the "reputed" leader of the One Order gang. I left work early yesterday, not knowing what was happening. Luckily I stopped on the way and heard about what was happening. I smartly decided to drive on the toll road instead of the Spanish Town bypass to avoid all the chaos that I knew would be happening. Yesterday, however, the toll road was not spared from the display of violence as the road was blocked at the stoplight causing a major pile up of traffic to exit the toll road. Stange-looking men lurking in the bushes ... and not a police man, car, bike, bicycle patrol ... NONE. In the distance, we could see huge clouds of black smoke rising in the sky, confirming the protest taking place on the by-pass and in the town.

I'm so sick and tired of this shit happening every time a "don" is killed. You can no longer go about your business in safety and comfort. Several businesses were again forced to close their doors. How much longer will this continue?

On a happier note, although falling asleep at a few points, I managed to tune in to the 48th Annual Grammy Awards. Madonna's performance was electrifying and continued to be amazed at how good she looks for her age. She still has a youthful look about her despite being in her 40s. Madonna Rocks!!! I Love Her!

I have to big up Damian "Junior Gong" Marley for winning the grammy for "Best Urban/Alternative Performance" and "Best Reggae Album" for his sophomore album "Welcome To Jamrock".

As you can see, I have changed my music video to Kelly Clarkson ... I was happy for her winning the grammy for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for "Since You've Been Gone", Best Pop Vocal Album for "Breakaway". I absolutely love Kelly Clarkson, I think the girl can sing! She definitely rocks. I was also very pleased about Mariah Carey and her winning Best Female R & B album and song and Best Contemporary R & B Album. I thought her album was extremely good and was a great comeback for her. She's still a wonderful artiste and glad that she had the success she did with this album.

I'm sure Miss Margo is doing cartwheels this a.m. after having U2 take home grammys for Song & Album of the Year, Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group, Best Rock Song and Best Rock Album along with Producer of the Year. I'll try to check her blog later to see the U2 shrine she has going on over there!

All in all, it was a good night, I enjoyed other performances - Mariah, Kanye, John Legend, Christina Aguilera & Herbie Hancock, Paul McCartney and many others.

Well, that's a mouthful from CD! The weekend is coming up so everybody have a good one!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Indiscipline-Frustration-Who Cares?

My mother and I had a conversation last night about indiscipline in our society. She was telling me of a computer class she is currently attending which is for principals. To my dismay, not shock, the principals were displaying the behaviour of a common worker - showing up for class late if at all, not wanting to complete assignments, disregarding other members in the class who were there to participate and get the most out of the course. I responded by saying that is why society will be no better because the indiscipline and negativity is at the top and being filtered down to the bottom. We then began to try to understand why this was so.

My theory is that the order of the day for organizations is to maximize profit and resources at the lowest possible cost. So, people are expected to do more than their "job" for the same pay or less. The amount of pressure being placed on leaders and their interpretation of that pressure filters down to the most junior person on their staff, thus creating this environment of frustration. So, no one is willing to "go the extra mile" anymore for their company because they feel that they are being exploited, under-appreciated and not compensated in a meaningful way for their efforts.

There are workers though who are the laziest, want to do as little work as possible but want to be paid every month and then some. These are the same people who run down every single penny they can from the company, nit-picking about every single dollar that they feel is due to them, and never think about how significant their contribution is. I see it every day in my company and have even been the victim of exploitation because of my abilities.

I had long since taken a personal decision about my work-life balance and vowed never to put my job before myself, my health, my loved ones and family (i.e., mother, father, boyfriend, boyfriend's parents). If I have to choose between the two, I will try to ALWAYS choose loved ones. I have vowed never to carry home work and that once I step through the office door, work is pretty much behind me (even though I am an on-call employee). Companies are no longer promoting the concept of family as they believe that families come in the way of great things being done by some employees.

I wonder if companies think about the implications of treating employees in a particular way to damage their loyalty to the company, influence acts of internal fraud and diminish their level of pride and patriotism to the company that pays the bills, buys the clothes, keeps the Appleton V/X flowing. It is a known fact that if an employee is "satisfied", it improves the level of their job performance and you can count on that employee going above and beyond if necessary and in some cases will offer to do more. Those days are long gone and companies don't seem to give a shit about that. They don't seem to be concerned at the effect their displays of behaviour have on performance which ultimately affects their bottom line.

I don't know if there are better times to come as with automation, globalization and centralization the order of the day, the worker is going to become more and more frustrated ... and then what happens? I shudder at the thought.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Raffle

After not having much to really share in the blogosphere these last few days, I had told myself I wouldn't post anything until I had something meaningful to share. Then I got this joke today and just know that the Mad Bull and Dr. D would thoroughly enjoy it ... so this one is for you guys!

A man from Kingston moved to the country and bought
a donkey from an old farmer for $100. The farmer
agreed to deliver the donkey the next day.

The next day, the farmer drove up and said,
"Sorry, but me have some bad
news... "The donkey dead."

"Wha'?" "Well den, just gi me back mi money."

"Can't do that. Mi spen dat already."

"OK, then. Just leave the donkey with me."

"What you a go do wid him?"

"Me a go raffle dat."

"You can't raffle off a dead donkey!"

"Yeah man, watch me. Mi just nah tell nobody seh 'im dead."

A month later the farmer met up with the Kingston man and asked,

happen wid dat dead donkey?"

"Dat get raffle off boss. Mi sell 500 ticket fi $2 apiece and mek a profit
of $998."

"Suh nobaddy nuh cuss?"

"Ongle di man whey win. So me gi im back im $2"

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Company Policy: Effective from January 2006


Dress Code:

It is advised that you come to work dressed according to your salary.
If we see you wearing Prada shoes and carrying a Gucci bag, we assume you
are doing well financially and therefore do not need a raise.
If you dress poorly, you need to learn to manage your money better, so that
you can buy nicer clothes, and therefore you do not need a raise.
If you dress just right, you are right where you need to be and therefore
you do not need a raise.

Sick Days:
We will no longer accept a doctor's notes as proof of sickness.
If you are able to go to the doctor, you are able to come to work.

Annual Leave Days:
Each employee will receive 104 Annual Leave days a year.
They are called Saturday & Sunday.

Bereavement Leave:
This is no excuse for missing work.
There is nothing you can do for dead friends, relatives or co-workers.
Every effort should be made to have non-employees attend to the
arrangements. In rare cases where employee involvement is necessary,
the funeral should
be scheduled in the late afternoon.
We will be glad to allow you to work through your lunch hour and
subsequently leave one hour early.

Toilet Use:
Entirely too much time is being spent in the toilet.
There is now a Strict three-minute time limit in the stalls.
At the end of three minutes, an alarm will sound, the toilet paper roll
will retract, the stall door will open, and a picture will be taken.
After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company
bulletin board under the Chronic offenders category.
Anyone caught smiling in the picture will be sanctioned under the company's
mental health policy.

Lunch Break:
Skinny people get 30 minutes for lunch as they need to eat more, so that
they can look healthy.
Normal size people get 15 minutes for lunch to get a balanced meal to
maintain their average figure.
Chubby people get 5 minutes for lunch, because that's all the time needed to drink a Slim-Fast.

Thank you for your loyalty to our company..
We are here to provide a positive employment experience.
Therefore, all questions, comments, concerns, complaints, frustrations,
irritations, aggravations, insinuations, allegations, accusations,
contemplation's, consternation and input should be directed elsewhere.


Does any of this sound familiar to anyone??

Friday, January 27, 2006

Lots of "Cool" for CD

Well, this has been one of my best weeks ever and I'm loving every minute of it and staying focused on the positive side that it will continue. One thing for sure that has me smiling is the cold front that is now over Jamaica. The only problem is that the BF is all the way in Montego Bay working while I'm at home pining over him, missing him like crazy and wishing I was there or he was here . But, I'll have to make do with my teddy bear that he gave to me, my favourite comforter to keep me warm.

Oh ... and it's Friday too! Have a great weekend everyone.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

What is the Key To My Heart?

Stolen from Peter. The last 2 paragraphs ... definitely not me at all.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.

Your Authorized Dealer

I don't recall if I had mentioned that my car (which used to be my father's) was parked and got him by an idiot trying to catch his cell phone to answer it before it fell off the dashboard. Car was taken in to the dealer on 12/10/05 and we didn't get it back until somewhere about the 19/12/05. Upon getting back the car, a few problems were identified and the car returned to them on the following week Monday for them to check and fix (at their expense of course after I made it clear in no uncertain terms that I would not be paying). I had noticed a problem with the car and mentioned it to them at that time and they said when I took the car in for them to fit a part they did not have in stock, they would check it out.

Ok, 16/1/06, take the car in to the dealer for them to fit the previously absent part, explain the problem, leave my car to be checked, agent promised to call me by 2:00 p.m. to let me know what is happening. 3:25 p.m. - no call. I call and speak to the service manager, he tells me a bunch of crap (which turned out to be a lie) and that he would call me back. I in turn call my service agent who told me the problems identified and that one of the part was over J$100,000 (approx US$1,500) along with 5 other problems.

The long and short of the story is that these new problems (except 1) was as a result of the accident on 12/10 which they had the car in their possession for 9 weeks and did not detect this problem, hence resulting in them now having to send off a supplementary estimate to the Insurance Company to cover these additional damages. The dealer ... the authorized dealer. I managed to get this done without telling them a few choice words and several fabrics aka claat!

So, my car is still with them although the car is "drivable", they asked me if I wanted it to drive now since they have to order the parts and it will take 2 weeks ... I told them no thank you lest they tell me when I bring it back in that I damaged something. They even offered us a car to drive which we declined since we still kept my old Civic.

That's dealers for you ... nothing special about them, only the cost.

More time.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I'm A Survivor

As you can see, I have not had a chance to post since I've gone back to work as predicted. I'm very pooped and glad that the weekend is here! I have a lot to write about, lots of crap happened this week which I will be sharing with you in the blogosphere.

This is just a quick note to let you know I'm still around, haven't forgotten you and have actually sneaked in a read or 2 on some of your blogs in those moments when I felt like I was going to break something at work. You helped me to survive.

Later dudes and dudettes.

Monday, January 16, 2006

It's All Over :-(

Well, it's back to work for CoolDestiny. After a much enjoyful, restful vacation, I must go back to doing my job. This will mean I won't have as much time on my hands as I did these last 4 weeks,
and as such, may not check your blogs till on the weekends. However, if I can manage to steal
some time at work to sneak in a blog fix :-), I most definitely will and also when I get home from work if I'm not totally pooped out.

You have all been great company though during my rest time and for that I say kudos to you!!

Peace Out.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Hypocrisy and the Church

Yesterday while at the Hairdresser, they were talking about a friend of theirs whose wife died and they had no ends of problems trying to find a church to have the funeral. They went on to tell me that they had approached the church I became a member of and used to attend for about 15 years, who denied them having the funeral there because the woman was a Informal Commercial Importer (ICI) or what we commonly call "higgler" in Jamaica. They thought that because of the person she was when she was alive, it would not be in the best interest of the I don't know what of the church, but they would not be able to accomodate a woman who lived in the same community where the church is situated because the patrons would smoke, drink, curse, etc. on the church compound.

IMHO, the church is there as a community service to its members and the community in which it is located. I find such demonstration of hypocrisy absolutely wrong. It goes against basic christian principles to deny those you think to be "unfit" of utilizing a community service. What they have in essence done is decided that this person is not worthy of a spiritual burial in their place of worship because of the life the person led while they were alive. Does the church have the right to decide that? Is this not the church "judging" an individual? Christianity should be about embracing non-christians. Jesus himself said in the bible that he comes not to save the righteous, but the sinners. The epitomy of Christian behaviour was demonstrated by Jesus through the people with whom he interacted while he was on earth. The "low lifes" of society were the persons he would be seen with and criticized heavily for. The modern day church is now turning its back on the example set by "the big man".

It is because of several hypocricies I witnessed and eventually became the victim of why my desire to be a part of that church community became non-existent. I know that I shouldn't let the behaviours of others prevent me from participating in the fellowship which is also very important. However, I refuse to become caught up in the double standard that I see in every church. I am content in my one-on-one interaction with God and in smaller groups of which I am a part. And then the church wonders why people do not readily come to be a part of the happy life they preach about. Until they realize that what will draw people to them is the way in which they live their lives, the Christian fellowship they share with every single individual they come in contact with, and not the acts of shun, judgement, condemnation and condescension (I acutally searched dictionary.com to see if this was spelt right ... and it was!) that they so frequently demonstrate.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Trinity

No, this is not a religious post, it's not a post about Sean Paul's album, neither is it about Neo's girlfriend from the matrix. It is actually about an article in the Jamaican Star sometime last week, Tuesday I think, "The Trinity of Jamaican Women". The article sought to classify the 3 different types of women in the Jamaican Society: The Idealist, The Virtuous and The Skettel.

I found the article a bit interesting and started to do a calculation in my pretty little head about how these classifications are proportioned across our female population. What I also found interesting is the slight similarity between this article and some other commentaries which I posted about in Full Control., but I digress. When we look at the women in inner city communities, aka ghetto, you are more likely to find the "skettel" type woman, who has 5 children with 7 different fathers, is not working but manages to wear the latest fashion trends, sports the most blinging jewellery. As the article said, there may be an overlapping of the 3 types of women.

It made for some interesting reading and I would love to see a similar article done in honour of the men!

Friday, January 13, 2006


My ever desperate desire to be different has inspired the title of this post ... OYIF -- "Oh Yeah, It's Friday!!!" Today is the official last day of my vacation and I return to work on Monday ... ugh! So, since I have nothing real to post about today, here is a smiley for you. It's an oldie but goodie so enjoy.









SO HE GOES TO THE BAR AND DRINKS FOR A COUPLE OF HOURS....................................






Have a great Friday everyone!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Even Naughtier Wednesday

Someone sent me this picture yesterday. Quite an ingenuitive design for a motor cycle which I'm sure men absolutely enjoy riding. I wonder how much these go for?? Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Naughty Tuesday


INCHES - Oh Shit, pain!!
7 INCHES - Oh, I'm in heaven

Monday, January 09, 2006

Stress Buster

A Happy Monday Morning to you all! In an effort to cure those Monday morning blues (I'll be needing this next week when I go back to work ... ugh), here is a little stress buster to put a grin on your face.

Poke The Penguin

Be sure to poke him 3 times!!

C Ya!

Saturday, January 07, 2006


I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the movie, Hostel. Quentin Tarantino is known for his out of the ordinary style of movie direction and I just love him as a director. Don't give him much props as an actor, but he shines most when he is behind the cameral. Quentin has done exceptional movies such as Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill 1 & 2 and Sin City. He is one of those directors you think, "if I'm ever doing a movie, I want him to direct it". John Woo is another, having directed Face Off (one of my all time favourite movies) and M-I2. I also appreciate the work of David Fincher, director of Seven (another of my all time favourite movies) and several Madonna productions.

With the underground DVD market booming, I will do my utmost to get it before it reaches theatres here ... hope no cops are reading.

Peace out.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

MR2 vs Evolution IV

On New Year's Day, after leaving home for the sole purpose of going to buy Nestle Bon Bons at the Ice Cream Store, the BF and I end up going to Ocho Rios to watch street car racing at Orange Park. I had a blast. It was so much fun. First of all, when we got to the round about to take us to the "race track", there were 3 police jeeps neatly parked up at the corner stopping almost every car with a loud muffler on it for a spot check. Seeing this, we took a slight detour only to see other racing hungry homosapiens all parked up talking about how much of a "p***yhole di policeman dem is fi a mash up the little racing ting". After small talk and minor socializing with these unknown people, we decided to head back home and enjoy the fact that we had a really nice drive coming to Ocho Rios.

Alas! When we turn back ... no police men at the round about. Soon after, we were heading up to the "track". Upon reaching there, there were quite a few cars parked up along the side of the road waiting anxiously for the racing to begin. There were also the same 3 police jeeps scattered among the parked cars. OK ... so I'm thinking these "a-holes" want some $$$$ so we can do as we please on the public street. Well, they didn't come anywhere near our direction so I'm not sure what was happening. Shortly after that, they left and engines started revving, cars started doing 180 turns in the road ... Yes ... the party is about to start!

Needless to say, we waited about 1 hr 45 mins before the first race started. During this time though, some of the guys were "warming up", speeding their turbo-charged, DOHC V-Tech encines up and down the track I guess baiting up the other racers.

Long and short of the story is that the MR2 stole the show. It won almost every race it ran in beating out Sunny GTS Turbo Charged, the Evo IV, V-Tech Civics and Integras. Don't know what that guy had under the hood but it was moving like a bitch! The Evo IV was a big disappointment being beat by lowly Nissans and Hondas. The funny thing was this group of guys standing close to us chanting "Honda" ... which sounded more like "Huuunnnnndaaaaaa". It was hilarious!

My BF and crew were teasing me about lining up my car ... but I asked them if they wanted to embarrass me in front of all these people. I also learnt that losers at an event like this, albeit informal, caused several malices between various drivers, whose sole purpose after losing was to do more modifications to their engine to ensure victory at the next street race. Men!

All in all it was good fun though. I thoroughly enjoyed!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Full Control

On New Year's Eve Eve, I'm driving along happily in my car listening to some tunes on the radio on my favourite station, the Blazing Fame 95 FM. On my speakers I hear the familiar voice of Shaggy and the veteran Barrington Levy. The song of choice: "Full Control". I'm rocking to the song, listening to the smoothness of the beat and the truthfullness of the words, all along under the impression that this song was on Shaggy's new album ... only to be completely shocked to come home today, search on the net for the song and realize that this song is on Shaggy's 2002 Album, Lucky Day.

The song speaks about independent women who are in full control of their lives, confident, knows how to handle herself, take care of herself, doesn't jump at every man who offers her something, but much prefers to be assured and have her heart secured. I'm sure we can all attest to a man who expresses an interest in you and the first thing that comes out of their mouth is I drive a ...., I live in some popular neighbourhood, I'm a top executive at a company, I have $$$ in the bank, blah blah blah, going on and on about what they have and nothing about who they are.

The other day too, while driving to Kingston, I for some reason was listening to Disclosure with Kingsley "Ragashanti" Stewart on Hot 102 where he was speaking of an article in the Flair magazine in the Monday Gleaner, which spoke about men selling sex to women. He expounded on the article and extended the concept to the wider society of men who are now seeking to get with a woman who is financially stable, successfull, achieved by society's standards and basically just give her as much sex as she wants/needs while she takes care of him ... or as we say in Jamaica, "mine him". With more and more women becoming independent, there are 3 types of men:

1. The one that will be supportive, and want to stand beside you as you both make your way up the ladder in life
2. The ones who will bad mind you, say you slept with some man to get your house, car, job, call you a ho
3. Those who just want to take advantage of the situation and get as much as they can from you.

It is so interesting to think about these things and see how the world operates and changes overtime. All I can say is ladies, keep being independent and strong and strive to find a man who falls in Category 1 above. And men, have enough strength and pride in yourself to be a man in category 1 above.