Thursday, October 20, 2005

“ …One Bottle of Milk of Magnesia, Please … “

Antigua Trip Conclusion

The food sucked. Put plainly and simply. I spend a lot of time in the loo on account of the “fine cuisine” at the hotel. My stomach is a funny one, doesn’t deal too well with drastic culinary changes. So, I was well prepared with my trusty stomach aids aka Tums, Extra Strength (maybe I should have put that in the title). I won’t gross you out with the details of size, frequency, colour, consistency, etc. of by BM … that would be too much for you to handle.

After about 3 days, Wednesday evening to be exact, was when my tummy was almost back to normal … 2 days before my return home, at which time, my stomach will go through the process all over again! Not a picnic for sure.

Anyhow, the week turned out to be nice. Apart from the learning experience, I got a chance to meet some very nice people, display my singing talent at a Karaoke, displayed my dancing talent to the group as punishment for being late one afternoon, and watching some of the other participants’ tearful goodbyes as we left the hotel on Friday morning. All in all a good week, with a few (un)-mention-ables …. :-)

C ya everyone.


Unknown said...

You should have carried some Pepto.

So big dancer, can you show me a few moves?

CoolDestiny said...

That's classified ... how much yu willing to pay? If the price is right, maybe, just maybe, we can work something out (smile)

SIG, I had carried some Devon Digestive Chocolate covered wheatmeal biscuits ... good thing!