Tuesday, December 06, 2005

At the request of Miss Margo

Miss Kick-Ass Margo tagged me with a list which I already did Here. So, here's the rest of it.

3 screen names I have:
1: FlavaBabe
2: CoolDestiny
3: HoneyLove

3 physical things I like about myself:
1: My smile
2: My Ass...it is to die for
3: My personality ... I'm so precious!

3 physical things I don't like about myself:
1: My extra sensitive skin
2: My belly
3: My excema

3 parts of my heritage:
1: Jamaican
2: Polish
3: ???

3 things that scare me:
1: Cockroaches
2: Evil people
3: Being lonely

3 of my everyday essentials:
1: Music
2: Cell Phone
3: Computer

3 of my favorite musicians:
1: Madonna
2: Usher
3: Mariah Carey

3 of my favorite songs:
1: Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman (Bryan Adams)
2: U Make Me Wanna (Usher)
3: Sky Fits Heaven (Madonna)

3 things I want in a relationship:
1: Trust
2: Passion
3: Humor
3a. Respect

3 lies:
1: I'm a lesbian
2: I love squid
3: I hate sex

3 of my hobbies right now:
1: Blogging
2: Interior Designing
3: Writing

3 things I want to do really badly now (with a special someone):
1: Make hot steamy sweaty passionate love
2: Play a game of Scrabble
3: Talk about everything

3 careers I've considered doing:
1: Go Go Dancer
2: Executive Secretary
3: Singer

3 places I would like to go on vacation to:
1: Paris
2: Australia
3: Switzerland (The land of chocolate)

3 kid's names I like:
1: Malik
2: Christanya
3: Anthoneil

3 ways that I'm a stereotypical guy:
1: I have the sex drive of a man
2: I love racing cars and rally races
3: I love Football (Soccer for the white folks)

3 ways that I'm a stereotypical girl:
1: I'm not a typical girl
2: I emotional
3: I'm a love addict

3 people I would like to see take this quiz:
1: Lady Serendipity
2: CrazySexyCool Bajan
3: BabyBlueLee


Omni said...

I also agree about cockroaches!!

Deelze said...

Gurl I just did it....

You are to much, LMAO at your 3 lies!!


Unknown said...

I would love to see the ass ;)!

I feel you with the cockroaches, those nasty little buggers!