Monday, September 20, 2004

Today is A Sucky Day!!!

I'm just feeling in a foul mood right now. No really good reason. No, I'm not PMSing or anything. Had a wonderful weekend as well, so I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I'm at work... that could possibly be it. Lately I have just not been feeling the same level of enthusiasm I used to feel about work. I still keep my standard up for sure but it just isn't the same. I'm doing it because I have to and not because I want to or enjoy it. I do enjoy my work but feel that it is time for me to move on to an area that can challenge me a bit more. Something more in my line of interest. I am just not sure if I'll get the opportunity to really explore my creative side in this organisation.

I always say that you must motivate yourself and I have been doing a lot of that lately. I feel so pressured at times and I just hate having to tell people what to do especially when they should already know. It pisses me off big time. It's like I have to think for them and basically do their work. Maybe I should demand 10% of their salary every month to compensate for all of their work that I do. I don't know.

Maybe this is a sign that I need a change again. Whether it means to get a new job or start going back to school again .... only time will tell.

Some cheering up please ..... I'm feeling for it today! Big Time!


CoolDestiny said...

Thanks Colleen. Did you read Jason's blog? He has 204 posts so far or something!

Unknown said...

I think you should go back to school...