Saturday, November 19, 2005

What A Week!

This has been by far one of the worst weeks I've had. I felt very sad for no reason that I could come up with. Had many confrontations to deal with .. All in all, I'm glad the week is over and I'm looking forward to a more positive, upbeat, supercool week next week. If nothing else will cheer me up, pay day is next week so ...

On a more sad note, I saw a dead man today on the road leading to Old Harbour, right in the vicinity of Jamaica Broilers. He was apparently an elderly man who was riding on a bicycle. He died on the spot after being hit by a vehicle which seemed to have run over him. I wasn't able to determine which vehicle it was that hit him as there were 2 cars and a truck parked in awkward positions on the sidewalk/grass. It was just melancholy to know that 1 second before he died, he would not have thought that his # would have been called. May his soul rest in peace.

On a more disgusted note, there was a pile up of traffic lasting 1 1/2 hrs because of this man's dead body in the road. Yes, there was police on the scene. However, the simple task of regulating the traffic flow seemed to have eluded them as it was only when they were no longer on the scene that the traffic started to move freely. Note, I passed this man a total of 3 times going to and from my destination with the BF ... 1 of those times, no traffic, no police on the scene. On a return trip, police car parked in the middle of the road, policemen leaning up on police car, not directing traffic, no traffic. On trip 3, police doing only God knows what, causing the back up of traffic which I could speculate to have reached all the way to May Pen (ok ... a little exaggeration but you get my point).

That's basically been my week and weekend. The highlight of which was the spectacular back massage and facial I got at the spa today! Absolutely fabulous!! Tomorrow it will be hair and nails so that should end my weekend on a more smiley note.

CoolDestiny out!


Unknown said...

Typical police behavior, nuh have nuh use. Sad, that's man's demise, bicyles shouldn't be on these roads...just ain't safe at all wid these mad speeding drivers!

Anonymous said...

Payday does have a way of giving one a brighter outlook on life, nuh true?