Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Something to Smile About

This morning when I was leaving for work, my bf used the remote start for my car to start it from upstairs. What he didn't see was that my 70+ side neighbour and my 60+ front neighbour were standing almost in front of the car. The below is the conversation that ensued as a result:

70+: Wait .... is what happen a while ago?
60+: Mi nuh know
70+: Di Car start!
60+: But how dat? Nobody not in there ...

70+ moves closer to the car, slowly and cautiously looking to see who is in it ... she doesn't see anybody.

70+: Mi nuh see anybody in it fi true

Both ladies had a puzzled look on their face.

Of course, my bf and I are approaching them and the car, trying oh so hard to hide the smile/laugh that was on our face. It was very difficult to keep a straight face when they said:

"Is you start di car?". I said yes and they chuckled saying they were wondering what was happening and looking to see who was inside.

We had a good laugh.


Angry Dog said...

Bwoy, it would've been funny as hell if you had one of those talking alarms that says "Armed" when you turn it on and "Disarmed" when you turn it off....poor ladies would've probably wet themselves!

Unknown said...

LOL! That was funny! Looks like technology run gone leff dem.

Abeni said...

poor neighbours.they must have thought the world was ending

Mad Bull said...

Yes, that stuff must have been pretty funny. You know, I know a guy in Ja. who put a remote control kit in his car. He can actually drive it without being in it! I wonder if he hasn't had some similar fun with that?

Rev Island said...

Lawd. Well, how about the ones that the alarm talks. That should end their misery.

Rev Island said...


If you have time, please meet me and Dr. D at the Hilton on Friday night 3rd for a link up. Please feel free to bring BF, even if he is not a bloggist. I do not have a time yet, can you please email your number to Doc D @

Unknown said...

They probably thought a duppy was in there. Technology. Wuss dan obeah!

CoolDestiny said...

RI, I am just seeing your invitation and sorry I missed it. I wasn't well on Friday night though but I would have made an effort to link up this time. Next time guys unless you want to propose another date.