Saturday, January 07, 2006


I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the movie, Hostel. Quentin Tarantino is known for his out of the ordinary style of movie direction and I just love him as a director. Don't give him much props as an actor, but he shines most when he is behind the cameral. Quentin has done exceptional movies such as Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill 1 & 2 and Sin City. He is one of those directors you think, "if I'm ever doing a movie, I want him to direct it". John Woo is another, having directed Face Off (one of my all time favourite movies) and M-I2. I also appreciate the work of David Fincher, director of Seven (another of my all time favourite movies) and several Madonna productions.

With the underground DVD market booming, I will do my utmost to get it before it reaches theatres here ... hope no cops are reading.

Peace out.


Mad Bull said...

Well, the random sex should excite, but the torture stuff would be a turn off... I don't want it to be too graphic, you know... after the initial splash of blood, I don't need to see anymore. Certainly don't want to see severed fingers lying on the floor. eeeuuuu!

CoolDestiny said...

Oh yes ... definitely looking forward to the random sex :)

Deelze said...

You're under arrest....

LOL just joking!

You're right he's not much of an actor, but he damn sure can direct!!

All the movies you listed are fav's of mine....except Jackie Brown, I didn't get to see it!


Deelze said...

Oh by the way love the new digs...

How that slipped by me I don't know. I thought I logged on to the wrong person at first!! *smile*

CoolDestiny said...

The new digs are just for now ... I'm working on something big for my blog page so stay tuned.