Monday, May 01, 2006


Well, it's been quite a while since I've said anything here and thought I needed to make an appearance before I lose all my readers and the wonderful bonds I've formed with the blogosphere.

There have been so many occurences in life that I really should have said something about - for example, the killing of Ambassador Peter King and the controversy which surrounds his death, the plea for the police to "Leggo Di Tape" by various individuals including enterdainers... we knew this one would not elude them, the debate about Sis P's decision to include religious personsin her administration, the fact that toll rates for Spanish Town and Vineyards East went up today among many others that I can't even remember right now.

Not to mention all the exciting things that have been happening in my personal life which I'll share at the appropriate time ... not right now ... want to keep you guys hanging on.

So, once again, a quick shout out using steal-away time at work to say hi and how you're doing and hope all is well with you too. I've been reading your blogs every chance I get which is not many but I definitely haven't forgotten you and am still trying to stay in touch in even the smallest possible way.

Take care everyone.


CoolDestiny said...

Ha! Dr. D, good try but when I have a secret, it stays a secret. You'll know ... all in good time. I'd love to hear some more guesses though :)

Abeni said...

Ok,a baby,wedding bells? I'll be in Ja if all goes well in Aug so I expect an invite:)

Deelze said...

I can't wait to hear about the personal life stuff!!

Hmmmm do I hear wedding bells, baby, job promotion, school, as you can see I could go on and on....I am nosy gurl so hurry up and tell all!! ~lol~


Oh glad to have ya back!


Unknown said...

I haven't been around in a while myself. I have been so busy!

Good to see a post from you, it has been a while.