Friday, May 19, 2006

I Need Your Help

Hey Gang,

This one is for all the internet savvy bloggers who stop by here, particularly Cari-blogrs.

Do you know the below website? I need to know if it is a popular website and if it is worth advertising on. If not, are there any recommendations of Jamaican/Caribbean websites worth pursuing?

I'm counting on you!! Thanks!!


dorna! said...

Sorry, never heard of it, but that's not really saying much.

Mad Bull said...

I know of it. They don't have to be a popular website as they tend to email out info to people on events, etc. that they advertise. They have a big email list but its not comprehensive, i.e. they email Natty but not me. She tends to read it before she deletes it, as its about things Jamaican. A semi interesting spammer as it were... I believe that they probably would cease sending emails to people who request it, (though she hasn't requested it) so I am not sure they should really be called a "spammer".

Mad Bull said...

Oh, they do have a website, which I rarely visit, so its good that they have this "push" strategy.

Scratchie said...

never heard of them...sorry